Linda Weiss – Professeur émérite à l’Université de Sydney

Vendredi 13 mai 2016 de 11h à 13h – EHESS (salle 638) – 190-198, avenue de France 75013 Paris.

Elle interviendra dans le cadre du séminaire Histoire économique : État, entreprises et marchés animé par Laure Quennouëlle-Corre et Florence Hachez-Leroy.


Sur le thème : Hybrid state, hybrid capitalism, and American anti-statism

Typically portrayed as a ‘weak’ state with minimal transformative interest or capacity, the United States has been poorly understood in recent debates on comparative capitalism. In order to understand the state-market relationship in the U.S. political economy, we must start with the cluster of federal agencies that serve national security missions, originating in Cold War geopolitics. To understand how this cluster today functions as a strategic engine of innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaborative government-industry projects and why its extensive links with the commercial sector are rarely visible, let alone examined, I introduce the concept of hybridisation and explore its institutional complementarity with a national ‘antistatist’ value-set.

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